Thursday 6 May 2010

Thursday 6th May

So where have I been and what have I been doing?
Well, I have been working, eating and then working and eating again. I did manage to get my weight down to under 12st 7lbs and then, without little effort, managed to take my weight up to 12st 10lbs. Under different circumstances I would be celebrating the achievement but I am actually wanting to lose weight aren't I? Well aren't I?
I am now a size 12 which is what I wanted to be. I can run up three flights of stairs at work without getting breathless or without my legs giving way and with my new hair cut and colour, I am complimented on how well I am looking. So what is the problem? The problem is I want to lose weight, I want to be a definite size 12 and I want to lose my belly.
My belly comes from my Mother, apple-shaped. It is handy to rest my arms on when I'm sitting in a traffic jam and its handy for when I'm knitting too. But when I'm in the bath, lying back and practising turning off the taps with my feet (and wondering if I will ever be able to hold a pen and sign my name as seen on 'Planet of the Apes'), my belly does take on a life of its own and I would really like to part company with it. My trousers have also learnt to un-zip all by themselves. I come from a talented family!!
So tonight I have challenged my SW group to losing 2 lbs by next week, me included. The aim of this exercise is to lose weight, plan and organise. Following the Food Optimising plan 100% will guarantee a great weight loss and the secret is to follow it, plan meals and enjoy the food. I am set, I am ready. I have my lunch planned for tomorrow (on a green day), jacket potato with baked beans, Muller light yoghurt. Dinner is to be curry from the new 'Curry Heaven' book and breakfast will be Shreddies, melon and Total 0% yoghurt. Sorted.

We had Chinese take-away for tea!

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