Saturday 15 May 2010

Saturday 15th May

The weekends prove to be rather difficult for me but today I have succeeded in being in control. I had toast and marmite for breakfast then a Hi-Fi bar for a snack. I then went out to lunch with a friend, her children and my children (TGUW & MGA in case you had forgotten their names!). Now, you may remember that TGUW is moving to his Fathers soon. In fact it's very soon, 3 weeks, and whilst I am glad that he is getting his life in check, I am bereft that he is leaving. I wanted him to go to university so I am telling my brain that he is going away to college (almost Univ, a place of learning) and that naturally he is going to grow and develop into a fine young man. But my heart, my heart is singing a very different tune.

He has given me the date of his leaving and his Father is coming to pick him up. We have decided to go out for a family meal before he goes but the thought of him leaving causes me physical pain. This comes at a time when I am about to acknowledge the 1st anniversary of my Mums death. She died slap, bang in between my birthday and my Sisters birthday, but enjoyed her own!. So, the point I am trying to make is that I know that I have a painful time coming up. There is nothing I can do about this impending train crash in my personal calender but knowing that I am an emotional eater, I will have to plan and organise even more than usual (yes, I do plan usually!)

Anyway, the food diaries are coming out. I will write done what I will be having for my evening meal on one side, the ingredients needed to create the meal on the other side and this will also inform my shopping list as well as inform MGA what not to eat! Resources to be used will be the SW magazine, recipe books and my personal fav, the 7 day meal planner (new members pack). I will make sure that I am eating healthily and taking some exercise too. I have had depression in the past and know the warning signs so will be aware and ready for action. Watch this space!

On a slightly lighter note I have been looking at my photos, adding some onto Facebook so thought that I would add some to this blog. I thought that I would concentrate on 'before' photos. Now, you may not recognise me but stay with it, the change will be dramatic!!!!!!!!

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